Sealed Fate: Master Fight

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Sealed Fate: Master Fight
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 16
By Carbuncle.Msoc 2017-01-30 16:42:32
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video by Papesse
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2017-01-30 17:01:17
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Thanks for sharing, really creative setup and execution!
Server: Shiva
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user: Zykei
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By Shiva.Zykei 2017-01-30 17:11:43
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Congrats on the win! Appears to be a much smoother fight than Unafraid of the Dark
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Papesse
Posts: 438
By Carbuncle.Papesse 2017-01-30 17:49:20
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Omega and Ultima have 5m HP each.
Omega has PDT-99%, Ultima has MDT-99%.
They have no regain.
Separating them triggers a super regen on both.
Ultima uses Benediction if one enemy hasn't been damaged for 1~ min.
Omega uses Mighty Strikes every 10%.
An ATK or MAB down aura pop if there is a too big gap between Ultima and Omega's HP. The effect doesn't touch avatars but is strong enough to nerf players.
Geo debuff bubbles are nerfed to 1/4 of their actual potency.

Omega gains a major speed boost increase and Ultima's Enlight double in power.
They can use 2 TP moves in a row and have access to their ultimate attacks : Laser Shower and Citadel Buster (no countdown). Laser Shower (cone breath dmg with -50% def down) can be taken with Earthen Armor.
When either Omega or Ultima fall below 50%, the two enemies will focus their attention on a different target. As far I can tell it's not a simple hate reset since Provoke, Flash, Warcry and even Enmity Douse did not work. I think the targeted person must survive for a period of time (or just die).

COR Tact+Beast rolls.
GEO Frailty+Focus+Entrust Haste.
RUN Red Lotus Blade > COR Starburst for Gravitation SC > BLM MB Death and Aspir on Omega.
SMNs rotate Predator Claws and Mewing Lullaby on Ultima (need 1400~ acc).

It's essential for the RUN to mitigate damage and thus to lower the TP gain. We have even sacrified Frailty for Barrier <50% when Omega starts hitting crazy fast.
Valiance with 5/5 Inspiration merits is very important for Death recast, Alacrity should be used when Valiance isn't up.
GEO can debuff them, Slow/Paralyze/Frazzle are especially useful on Omega with Earth Shot to enhance Slow effect.
Good luck.
By Verda 2017-02-05 19:57:39
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We won last night :D Thank you for sharing your vid and setup.

Video here:
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Mischief's notes here:

We won with most the same group I did SL and odin/alex with. We used a combination of Papesse's setup and one found here:

We actually found that blog after asking Papesse where he found that a mnk setup won and asked a jp friend (sktn) about that. As far as we can tell, the person who said they won with a MNK setup posted in December that a MNK setup won and said he'd make a video and yet it's 2 months later and no video and no shared strat, due to that me and others think it was a troll post but not sure. That actually lead sktn to finding the jp blog I linked above though, which I shared with Papesse as thanks for his info.

I want to say we spent a lot of time trying out ideas that didn't work, as I'm sure papesse did, and the jp player catalogued all his attempts on his site. To keep it a zero TP feed fight by using tact roll and taking advantage of the fact BP rage adds zero TP the first place I knew of it was this JP blog. It is a clever setup that reduced an impossible fight to one that actually takes fewer tries and less reliance on luck than all the other master trials.

I want to thank Lex, Mischief, Xiu, Jpizzle, Sktn, Papesse, Tozi, Tychefm and others.

Our setup had the COR using wildfire/leaden and one smn dedicated to mewing and doing regal gash -> starburst and regal gash -> wildfire chains for the BLM and sometimes Ground Strike -> Leaden. The mewing smn would also conduit however only had to once at the beginning of the fight as ultima died during my 2nd conduit. This is closer to what the jp blog did and means only one smn has to be extremely well geared. We also had the RUN sub DNC and keep up box steps to 5 all fight which was very busy work, but 13% def down adds a lot of damage especially when frailty only works at 25% effectiveness it ends up only being about 18.5 to 21% def down even with idris. EA + Blaze frailty, steps, and dia IV with both smn alternating conduits is what let one smn stay dedicated to mewing and opening/creating skillchains most the fight. We also used Ergon RUN, and gallant's roll.

You'll see Dimi often got things to hit for zero damage especially from omega, which further aids the no tp feed situation, we did nearly wipe near the end though with the RUN having 150 hp left and everyone else dead. Luckily Mischief (as dimi) is quick on his feet and reacted with a quick stoneskin -> pulse -> waltz III and by that time some of us were up from reraise and helped heal him. We also had some deaths at the 50% hp hate reset stage.

Our win a lot closer follows the JP Blog strat than Papesse, using two smn to alternate damage and winning without an ergon RUN, as well as changing the skillchain setups to accommodate it was very adaptable.

Pred claws does do more damage than volt strike on this fight but I'm not entirely sure why, just when I took a fair sample size of the averages of both, pred came out ahead when usually Volt is the stronger BP. Either way despite this fight giving h2h for the win, it definitely doesn't seem to favor mnk at all and mnk has no way to damage omega so that's why I agree with others that mnk setup is probably a farce.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Lyramion
Posts: 902
By Bahamut.Tychefm 2017-02-05 19:59:13
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Also Mischief's pastebin on the fightstrats here:
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Serithus
Posts: 159
By Asura.Warusha 2017-07-13 17:11:41
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Here's Soiree's recent kill for this. Close call!
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